PostgreSQL roles (users)

Configuring Postgres for Use

The postgres user

While PostgreSQL become installed, a system user account named postgres was also created with an identical user account in postgres.

By default, the postgres user account isn’t configured with a password , so it isn’t viable to log into the server the use of the postgres user account without first creating a password for it.

This postgres account has an all-access pass on your PostgreSQL database server, permission-wise.

The postgres user account has similarities to the sa account in SQL server .

The postgres database

PostgreSQL is installed with a default database postgres .

For the most part, we use the postgres database for administration functions, and create new databases on the PostgreSQL server to suit our needs.

The psql Command Line Utility

PostgreSQL consists of psql, a command line application for managing your databases and server.

While a GUI-based software such as pgadmin3 is often less complicated to use in the daily task, the command line utilty psql is always handy.

psql gives total control of your postgres system from the terminal, together with the ability to execute SQL queries.

We will use psql to perform our preliminary configuration and to create an initial database super user.

Login and Connect as Default User

For most systems, the default Postgres user is postgres and a password is not required for authentication.

Thus, to add a password, we must first login and connect as the postgres user.

$ sudo -u postgres psql
[sudo] Mot de passe de pvergain :
psql (12.2 (Ubuntu 12.2-2.pgdg18.04+1))
Saisissez « help » pour l'aide.


Changing the Password

With a connection now established to Postgres at the psql prompt, issue the ALTER USER command to change the password for the postgres user:

postgres=# alter user postgres password 'myPassword';

If successful, Postgres will output a confirmation of ALTER ROLE as seen above.

Finally, exit the psql client by using the q command:

postgres=# \q

You’re all done.

The default postgres user now has a password associated with the account for use in your other applications.

Le rôle postgres de

sudo su - postgres

❯ sudo su - postgres
postgres@uc045:~$ psql -p 5433
psql (15.1 (Debian 15.1-1.pgdg110+1))
Saisissez « help » pour l'aide.

SELECT current_role, current_user;
 current_role | current_user
 postgres     | postgres
(1 ligne)

Create role


Update role

export PGPASSWORD=XXXXXXXXXXXX; psql -h localhost -d db_intranet -p 5433 -U intranet -c "ALTER ROLE intranet SET search_path = intranet, public;"

Liste des rôles

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \du
                                              Liste des rôles
 Nom du rôle |                                    Attributs                                    | Membre de
 postgres    | Superutilisateur, Créer un rôle, Créer une base, Réplication, Contournement RLS | {}