Resizing image files

mogrify command

Resize all JPEGs in a directory

This command requires the imagemagick libraries and will resize all files with the .JPG extension to a width of 800 pixels and will keep the same proportions as the original image.

mogrify -resize 800 *.JPG

google picasa use case

cp *.JPG web
cd web
mogrify -resize 800 *.JPG
date; google picasa -d "2011-10-27" -n "Minou et Ali à Annecy le 27 octobre 2011" -t "Annecy, 27 octobre 2011" create "Annecy, 27 octobre 2011" *.JPG; date

Script bash : how to shrink a list of jpg files with the ‘convert’ command

 1#!/usr/bin/env bash
 2# The image size_max will be 800
 5mkdir ${size_max}
 7for filename in *.jpg; do
 8    input=${filename}
 9    name=${filename%.*}
10    suffixe=${filename##*.}
11    output="800/"${name}_${size_max}.${suffixe}
12    echo "Input: ${input}"
13    echo "File Name: ${name}"
14    echo "File Extension: ${suffixe}"
15    echo "output: ${output}"
17    convert ${input} -resize ${size_max} ${output}