Tips4 : You need to be good at navigating around your files

Advanced Vim users prefer to keep their fingers around the home row on a keyboard. This is possible, because in Vim you can use keys h, j, k and l for navigation.

It might be hard to get used to these at start. I wrote about the best way to remember them in Mastering Vim Quickly.

Vim has many commands for navigation, but here are few of the most useful ones:

  • gg - Go to the top of the file

  • G - Go to the bottom of the file

  • % - Go to the matching pair of (), [], {}

  • :NUM - Go to line NUM. :28 jumps to line 28

Let’s see why some of these are so useful:

  • In order to fix indentation in your entire file, you can run command:

  • If you want to fix indentation on one code block, you can hit:


    standing on an opening bracket.

  • Or if you want to fix indentation in next 15 lines below your current line, you can run:


As you can guess, = is an operator which formats the code based on the configured formatting rules.

Together with navigation commands, it gives you a lot of power.

In fact, there’s a whole language behind Vim.