
μDjango (micro Django) 🧬

A single file Django micro project created for demonstration purposes to be used in the same way as other Python frameworks.


I created this code while working on an improvement to Will Vincent‘s Django Microframework repository, which was itself inspired by a talk that Carlton Gibson gave at DjangoCon US 2019: “Using Django as a Micro-Framework”.

Starting from that demonstration code I thought of a Django micro application that could be used in the same way as a minimal application used in other Python frameworks such as Flask or FastAPI.

I presented this code during the first sprint day of DjangoCon US 2023, together with Will Vincent and seeing the appreciation I decided to publish it in this repository.

2023-10-11 Hypermedia Systems - Using Django (introduction)

#django #htmx #hypermedia

Carson Gross, Adam Stepinski and Deniz Akşimşek have recently published their work, Hypermedia Systems and have generously made its entire content available online (https://hypermedia.systems/) without any fee.

Over the past two years or so, I’ve found myself reaching for HTMX more often when I build sites. It’s been a really nice way to work, but I’ve definitely learned it ad hoc.

Since there’s now this opportunity to directly see how its author thinks about using it, it seems worth taking a bit of time to work through the concepts and exercises in the book using django and htmx, which are easily my current favorite way to build for the web.

I’m going to do this in public because it’s more fun to discuss it that way.

I plan to work through all of the web-focused chapters. I may leave the mobile-focused ones for another time.

This post will detail my initial project configuration, will include a link to a git repository where anyone who’s interested can follow along, and will be updated with links to future posts as I write them.