djLint (Lint & Format HTML Templates, Django • Jinja • Nunjucks • Twig • Handlebars • Mustache • GoLang • Angular)


Once upon a time all the other programming languages had a formatter and linter.

Css, javascript, python, the c suite, typescript, ruby, php, go, swift, and you know the others.

The cool kids on the block.

HTML templates were left out there on their own, in the cold, unformatted and unlinted :( The dirty corner in your repository. Something had to change.

Grab it with pip:

pip install djlint

Lint your project

djlint . --extension=html.j2 --lint

Check your format

djlint . --extension=html.j2 --check

Fix my format!

djlint . --extension=html.j2 --reformat


- repo:
  rev: v1.31.0
    - id: djlint-reformat-django
    - id: djlint-django
