Django 3.1 Async by Jochen Wersdörfer ( ) Aug. 4, 2020


With version 3.1, you can finally use asynchronous views , middlewares and tests in Django.

Support for async database queries will follow later .

You don’t have to change anything if you don’t want to use those new async features . All of your existing synchronous code will run without modification in Django 3.1.

Async support for Django is on it’s way for quite some time now. Since version 3.0 there’s support for ASGI included.

But there was not much benefit for end users though. The only thing you could do concurrently were file uploads, since uploads don’t reach the view layer which was not async capable in Django 3.0.

When do you might want to use those new features ? If you are building applications that have to deal with a high number of tasks simultaneously.

Here are some examples:

  • Chat services like Slack

  • Gateway APIs / Proxy Services

  • Games, especially MMOs like Eve Online

  • Applications using Phoenix Liveview - check out Phoenix Phrenzy results for additional examples

  • A reactive version of Django Admin where model changes are shown interactively

  • A new api frontend for Django REST framework updating list endpoints interactively as new data comes in

  • All kinds of dashboard applications showing currently active connections, requests per second updating in realtime

As Tom Christie explained in his talk Sketching out a Django redesign held at DjangoCon 2019 the core question is this:

Do we want to have to switch languages to support those use cases ?

And while his Starlette project (gaining popularity recently in combination with the FastAPI framework) is allowing us to do all this in Python, we also might want to keep using Django.

What to Expect from this Article ?

  • A small example on how to use async views , middlewares and tests

  • Why is async such a big deal anyway ?

  • The gory details of multithreading vs async, GIL and other oddities

Part I - Async View Example

For this example you need a working installation of Python.

Any version from 3.6 onwards will do, but I recommend using the latest 3.8 series , because async is relatively new to Python and new versions still bring major improvements in usability and stability.

Create Virtualenv and Setup Project

Usually I prefer setting up new projects with Poetry nowadays, but I understand that requiring people to curl install software makes them feel uncomfortable. And for this example it doesn’t make a big difference anyway.

Therefore I’ll use the builtin virtualenv module.:

mkdir mysite && cd mysite
python -m venv mysite_venv && source mysite_venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install django==3.1 httpx  # install Django 3.1 + async capable http client

Initialize Django

django-admin startproject mysite .  # create django project in current directory
python migrate            # migrate sqlite
python runserver          # should start the development server now

You should now be able to point your browser to localhost and see the new Django project sample page.

If this doesn’t work, make sure you didn’t set the $DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. This is what happens to me all the time.

Create some Views

First we create a synchronous view returning a simple JsonResponse, just like we would have done it in previous Django versions. It takes an optional parameter task_id which we’ll later use to identify the url which was called from the second view. It also sleeps for a second emulating a response that takes some time to be build.

Edit mysite/ to look like this

 1 import time
 3 from django.http import JsonResponse
 5 def api(request):
 6     time.sleep(1)
 7     payload = {"message": "Hello World!"}
 8     if "task_id" in request.GET:
 9         payload["task_id"] = request.GET["task_id"]
10     return JsonResponse(payload)
12 And then mysite/ to look like this:
14 from django.urls import path
16 from . import views
18 urlpatterns = [
19     path("api/", views.api),
20 ]

Now you should be able to see the response of our little api view in your browser. I recommend Firefox to look at json responses because they look a little bit nicer there, but any browser will do.

This is not at all different from a normal synchronous api view in Django before 3.1.

Part II - Why Async ?

Concurrency via async is such a big deal, because it has two main advantages over other approaches provided that your tasks are I/O bound:

  • it’s more efficient

  • it’s easier to write concurrent programs using async

Resource Efficiency

What options do you have, when the number of tasks your application has to do simultaneously increases ?

Let’s have a look at the alternatives ordered from high to low amount of effort:

  • spin up more machines

  • have your application use more cores on a single machine

  • use more operating system processes

  • start more operating system threads per process

  • use async/await to schedule multiple tasks in a single thread

If your tasks are CPU bound, you can only do more of them by adding more cores. And if you use Python, the only way to use more cores is to add more operating system processes.

But most of the tasks we face when we build a website are not CPU but I/O bound . Here are a some examples:

  • Submitting sql queries to a database and fetching the result

  • Aggregating answers from different API endpoints or microservices

  • Getting a result from elasticsearch or a similar full text search service

  • Fetching a site fragment from cache

  • Loading some image from disk

When your browser sends a request to a website you’ll wait some time until the first byte is received. This time is critical to the perceived speed of a site, because your browser won’t do anything before that happened. But most of this important time is not spend calculating the response, but waiting for some I/O operation to complete.

The speed of most websites could be improved dramatically if all those blocking I/O calls would be replaced by non-blocking operations.

Instead of waiting in the application server for a database result you could use an Ajax request in the browser to fetch this result later, for example. This request will be then sent to your server and a complete application server process will be blocked and waiting for the database to answer your query. That’s a lot of overhead for doing basically nothing.

And while using threads would be more efficient than using processes there’s still more overhead needed compared to using async tasks.

Ease of Use

Concurrency: one of the most difficult topics in computer science (usually best avoided).

— David Beazley Python coach and mad scientist

Don’t be fooled, writing concurrent programs using async/await is still harder than writing synchronous ones.

But it’s not as hard as writing concurrent programs using multiple threads. Why? Because threads make local reasoning difficult. You can’t just take a function and think about whether the code in there makes sense in isolation. You have to keep in mind all the other code which might be running concurrently interfering with the code in the function you are looking at.

In this respect threads have a daunting similarity to goto statements .

Python threads are operating system threads and the OS kernel gets to decide which threads is scheduled to run. Therefore you simply don’t know when the flow of control will be transferred to another thread. It could happen any time.

Async tasks are different .

They use cooperative multitasking where each tasks decides on it’s own when it’s time to give up control. As long as you won’t use the await keyword to signal that now other tasks might be executed concurrently your code runs sequentially just like a normal synchronous program.

Which means that if you call blocking I/O functions or hog the CPU with long running calculations, no other task will get the chance to run. Therefore you have to know whether a function you call calls other functions that might block.

And if you are doing I/O that would be awaitable you have to mark your function awaitable with async def, which is a little bit like writing Python using explicitly enforced typing. It’s harder because you have to be more precise about what kind of things your code is doing. Therefore multithreading will look easier if you simply count the lines you’d have to change to transform a single task application into one which is able to run multiple tasks concurrently.

But the additional effort in code lines if you take the async route will probably worthwhile in the long run.

And while writing concurrent programs using asyncio is easier than using multiple threads there’s still room for improvement.

There’s Curio for example - an alternative to the builtin asyncio module.

Or the Curio < >`_ inspired Trio which is using nurseries to get rid of futures which remain an obstacle to local reasoning about code in asyncio.

Async Adapter Functions

Ok, using async tasks to do things concurrently seems to be reasonable.

But what about the ORM and other parts of Django which are not async capable yet ?

Is there a way to fetch models from the database without blocking all other async tasks ? Fortunately there are two adapter functions helping us to deal with situations like this.

Let’s say we want to fetch a model from the database while being in an async view function. Then we can wrap our model fetching function in a sync_to_async() call which will then return a coroutine we can await. Other async tasks are still running concurrently, because the calling async view awaiting the wrapped sync function will be guaranteed to run in an event loop on a different thread.

By default the called sync function will be executed in a newly created thread. But sometimes (accessing sqlite for example) you need to pass thread_sensitive=True to force the called sync function to be executed on the main thread instead.

And sometimes it’s the other way around and you need to make a call to an async function from a sync one. This is basically the same situation you encounter when writing an async program from scratch. Usually you would use to start an event loop managing calls to your async functions.

In Django you’ll wrap your async function in a call to async_to_sync() which will take care of setting up the event loop but also makes sure threadlocals will work.

Part III - Additional Details

I stumbled about a lot of quirks and oddities while writing this article, and this is the place to share them :).

A Little Bit of History

Historically, async programming via explicit coroutines is the newest paradigm trying to make writing concurrent programs easier.

The asyncio standard library module was added to Python 3.4 in 2014.

The keywords async and await were first introduced in Python 3.5 one and a half year later, adding native language support for async functions.

But even Python 3.5 seems to be hard to support, as most of the async native libraries and web frameworks like Curio, Trio and Starlette require at least Python 3.6 in the meantime.

Django’s async story started about two years ago as Andrew Godwin proposed A Django Async Roadmap. It only made sense to support the new async syntax after dropping support for Python 3.4 which happened with Django 2.1.

One year ago, DEP 0009: Async-capable Django was approved by the technical board. It’s already a pretty detailed plan on how to move Django from sync-only to native async with sync wrapper.

End of 2019 Django 3.0 was released (requiring at least Python 3.6) adding support for ASGI.

The gap between the first Django version which could have supported async hypothetically (2.1) and the version which started supporting async (3.0) is not that big, to say the least.

Concurrency vs Parallelism

Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once.

Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once.

Not the same, but related.

One is about structure, one is about execution.

Concurrency provides a way to structure a solution to solve a problem
that may (but not necessarily) be parallelizable.

— Rob Pike Co-inventor of the Go language

The quote above may (but not necessarily) be helpful to understand the difference between concurrency and parallelism.

I found another example to be more helpful: Think of a bartender serving customers.

One single bartender is capable of preparing multiple drinks and therefore serving multiple customers concurrently. But he’s still doing one step after another. If multiple drinks have to be created in parallel, you need multiple bartenders.

Doing things concurrently on a computer is possible, even if you only have one CPU executing instructions step by step. But it’s not possible to do multiple tasks at the same time without using multiple CPUs.

And because of the infamous GIL, it’s impossible to do things on multiple CPUs using only one OS process. Contrary to popular belief this is not a unique feature of Python, but also present in Ruby, NodeJS and PHP.

All those languages use reference counting for memory management and it’s impossible (or nearly impossible) to use reference counting without a GIL without being at least an order of magnitude slower.

Java uses a different kind of automatic memory management and therefore has no need for a GIL. But Java has to pay a price in slower single thread performance (what most users should care about, since most software is not running on multiple CPUs in parallel) and unpredictable latency. It’s just a different set of tradeoffs which might or might not fit your use case.


It’s often said that threads are not as scalable as async tasks , because they tend to use more memory or hog the CPU because of all the context switches they are causing.

I’m at least a bit skeptical about such claims.

Under investigation they often turn out to be not true or not true anymore.

The default stack size for a new thread on linux and macOS (ulimit -s) is 8MB. But that doesn’t mean this is the real memory overhead of starting an additional thread. First off, it’s virtual memory and not resident, and second - yes, while this imposed a hard and low limit on the number of threads on 32bit machines (usable virtual memory is only 3GB), on 64bit machines this limit is no longer relevant.

Here’s an article describing that running 10k threads should be not a big problem on current hardware.

But while starting 10k threads on linux worked as expected, on macOS this little script lead to a reproducible kernel panic:

 1 import time
 3 import concurrent.futures
 6 def do_almost_nothing(task_id):
 7     time.sleep(5)
 8     return task_id
11 num_tasks = 10000
12 results = []
13 s = time.perf_counter()
14 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_tasks) as executor:
15     future_to_function = {}
16     for task_id in range(num_tasks):
17         future_to_function[executor.submit(do_almost_nothing, task_id)] = task_id
18     for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_function):
19         function = future_to_function[future]
20         try:
21             results.append(future.result())
22         except Exception as exc:
23             print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (function, exc))
24 elapsed = time.perf_counter() - s
25 print(f"do_almost_nothing executed in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds.")

Async tasks on the other hand only take about 2KB memory each and are more or less just one function call.

Ok, that’s hard to beat. Use this snippet to measure for yourself:

 1 import time
 2 import asyncio
 5 async def do_almost_nothing(task_id):
 6     await asyncio.sleep(5)
 7     return task_id
10 async def main():
11     num_tasks = 1000000
12     tasks = []
13     for task_id in range(num_tasks):
14         tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(do_almost_nothing(task_id)))
15     responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
16     print(len(responses))

Threads also did suffer from a lock contention problem on Python 2.

The Python interpreter checked every 100 ticks if another thread should be able to acquire the GIL. This leads to slower performance even on a single CPU, but on machines with multiple cores this was especially bad, because now threads would fight over getting the GIL on different CPUs in parallel.

Those issues were fixed with the new GIL introduced in Python 3.2 and now check gets only called every 5ms (it’s configurable via sys.setswitchinterval).

Multithreading Example

After deciding to write something about the upcoming support of async views in Django 3.1, I was looking for a compelling example to show off the benefits of async views .

Chat is not a good example because you probably would use websockets to implement a chat site nowadays.

But you’ll need Django Channels for websocket support since support for protocols other than http will continue to stay in Channels.

Finally I settled on an async view aggregating results from multiple other api endpoints.

But do you really need Django 3.1 and async views to be able to write a view like this?

Let’s add this view to our mysite/views.pyfile:

 1 import concurrent.futures
 4 def api_aggregated_threadpool(request):
 5     s = time.perf_counter()
 6     results = []
 7     urls = get_api_urls()
 8     with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
 9         future_to_url = {executor.submit(httpx.get, url): url for url in urls}
10         for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url):
11             url = future_to_url[future]
12             try:
13                 r = future.result()
14                 results.append(r.json())
15             except Exception as exc:
16                 print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (url, exc))
17     elapsed = time.perf_counter() - s
18     print(f"fetch executed in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds.")
19     result = {"responses": results}
20     return JsonResponse(result)

And connect this view to an url adding a route to mysite/

1 urlpatterns = [
2     path("api/", views.api),
3     path("api/aggregated/", views.api_aggregated),
4     path("api/aggregated/sync/", views.api_aggregated_sync),
5     path("api/aggregated/threadpool/", views.api_aggregated_threadpool),
6 ]

Start your local WSGI server with python runserver and have a look at the result.

If you just want to aggregate some request results concurrently, a threadpool will probably be sufficient. You won’t have to use a different application server supporting ASGI and this works also for older Django versions.


Thanks to Klaus Bremer, Dominik Geldmacher and Simon Schliesky for reading drafts of this.