Sphinx raw html

Embedding a video

.. raw:: html

       <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UaIvrDWrIWM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


.. raw:: html

       This is <ins>awsome</ins>
This is awsome


.. raw:: html

       This is <del>awsome</del>
This is awsome

There is <del>nothing</del> <ins>no code</ins> either good or bad, but <del>thinking</del> <ins>running it</ins> makes it so

.. raw:: html

        There is <del>nothing</del> <ins>no code</ins> either good or bad, but <del>thinking</del> <ins>running it</ins> makes it so.
There is nothing no code either good or bad, but thinking running it makes it so.

Raw data can also be read from an external file

Raw data can also be read from an external file, specified in a directive option. In this case, the content block must be empty. For example:

.. raw:: html
   :file: inclusion.html

<p style="color:red;">I am red</p>

.. raw:: html

   <p style="color:red;">I am red</p>

I am red

<p style="background-color:yellow;">This is a paragraph.</p>

.. raw:: html

   <p style="background-color:yellow;">This is a paragraph.</p>

This is a paragraph.

<p style="color:red;"><del>I am red</del></p>

.. raw:: html

   <p style="color:red;"><del>I am red</del></p>

I am red

<p style="color:green;">I am green</p>

.. raw:: html

   <p style="color:green;">I am green</p>

I am green

<p class="gras vert">paragraphe gras et vert.</p>

paragraphe gras et vert.

<p class="rajout_vert">I am class green</p>


Do not forget to add the css files in your conf.py file. html_css_files = [ “css/custom.css”, ]

.. raw:: html

   <p class="rajout_vert">I am class rajout_vert</p>

I am class green

 1{# couleurs #}
 3{# http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_hsl.asp #}
 5{# rouge #}
 6.rajout_rouge {background-color:hsl(7, 100%, 43%);}
 7.rouge {background-color:hsl(7, 100%, 43%);}
 8{# vert #}
 9.rajout_vert {background-color:hsl(129, 89%, 45%);}
10.vert {background-color:hsl(129, 89%, 45%);}
11{# vert #}
12.vert {background-color:hsl(129, 89%, 45%);}
14p.gras {
15  font-weight: bold;