

Grids are based on a 12 column system, which can adapt to the size of the viewing screen.

A grid directive can be set:

  • with the number of default columns (1 to 12);

  • either a single number for all screen sizes,

  • or four numbers for extra-small (<576px), small (768px), medium (992px) and large screens (>1200px),

then child grid-item directives should be set for each item.

Placing a card in a grid

The grid-item-card directive is a short-hand for placing a card content container inside a grid item (see Cards). Most of the card directive’s options can be used also here:

Title 1


Title 2


Show some sphinx-extensions


Adds a little « Copy » button to the top-right of your code blocks.


Adds custom favicons to your Sphinx documentation.


Powerful Markdown flavor for your Sphinx documentation without loosing the power of Sphinx itself.


Auto documents your API code without executing the code itself (as sphinx.autodoc does).


Renders nice 404 pages respecting all the look & feel of your documentation.


Adds a warning banner at the top if the reader is reading an old version of your documentation.


Adds tooltips on cross references of the documentation with the content of the linked section.


Adds the « last updated » date at the bottom of each documentation page (obtained from the Git commit date).


Generates Open Graph metadata ✨ for each page of your documentation.

grid link-type ref

Tuto sphinx

Tuto sphinx.

Example from ray code use-cases.rst

LLMs and Gen AI

Large language models (LLMs) and generative AI are rapidly changing industries, and demand compute at an astonishing pace.

Ray provides a distributed compute framework for scaling these models, allowing developers to train and deploy models faster and more efficiently.

With specialized libraries for data streaming, training, fine-tuning, hyperparameter tuning, and serving, Ray simplifies the process of developing and deploying large-scale AI models.


Learn more about how Ray scales LLMs and generative AI with the following resources.