eb sphinx-design A sphinx extension for designing beautiful, screen-size responsive web components

Referenced by

Migrating from sphinx-panels

This package arose as an iteration on sphinx-panels, with the intention to make it more flexible, easier to use, and minimise CSS clashes wth sphinx themes.

Notable changes

Reduce direct use of CSS classes

These are replaced by the use of directive options, which are:

  • Easier to understand

  • Easier to validate

  • Easier to work with non-HTML outputs

  • Easier to improve/refactor

Improved CSS

Updated Bootstrap CSS from v4 -> v5, which in particular allows top-level grid to define both column numbers and gutter sizes.

All CSS classes are prefixed with sd- (no clash with other theme/extension CSS)

All colors use CSS variables (customisable)


::::{grid} 1 2 2 3
:margin: 4 4 0 0
:gutter: 1

:::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`table` Grids
:link: grids
:link-type: doc

Screen size adaptable grid layouts.

:::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`note` Cards
:link: cards
:link-type: doc

Flexible and extensible content containers.

:::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`chevron-down` Dropdowns
:link: dropdowns
:link-type: doc

Hide content in expandable containers.

:::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`duplicate` Tabs
:link: tabs
:link-type: doc

Synchronisable, tabbed content sets.

:::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`plus-circle` Badges, Buttons & Icons
:link: badges_buttons
:link-type: doc

Roles and directives for {bdg-primary}`badges` and other components.

:::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`image` CSS Styling
:link: css_variables
:link-type: doc

Change the default colors and other CSS.