Sphinx gammu documentation

Gammu sphinx documentation

heure de l'expéditeur   Envoyé à 13:15 (GMT-02:00). Heure locale : 10:35. ✆
répondre à  sphinx-dev@googlegroups.com
à   sphinx-dev@googlegroups.com
date    18 février 2011 13:15
objet   Re: [sphinx-dev] GSoC and Breathe
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i think this is very usefull, i use debian lenny and spend 1 week to put gammu documentation that use sphinx, breathe and doxygen to work properly (with help of http://wammu.eu michal cihar) and now i could use this in « telecentros » public libraries for social public projects (with open source) here in são paulo.

thanks for all effort in sphinx, breathe and doxygen!

Gammu is a project providing abstraction layer for cell phones access.

It covers wide range of phones, mostly focusing on AT compatible phones and Nokia phones.

This manual describes all parts of Gammu, starting with information about Gammu project , going through API documentation for both python-gammu API and libGammu and covering SMS Daemon as well.

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