Chris Holdgraph sphinx, executablebook


I work with Project Jupyter and other open communities to build tools and solve problems for scientific research and education.


Decided to get wacky and re-write my personal website/blog using Sphinx

Decided to get wacky and re-write my personal website/blog using Sphinx.

I am pretty happy with the result! Amazing how much this ecosystem has improved in the last year


Jupyter Book is an open source project for building beautiful, publication-quality books, websites, and documents from source material that contains computational content.

With this post, we’re happy to announce that Jupyter Book has been re-written from the ground up, making it easier to install, faster to use, and able to create more complex publishing content in your books.

It is now supported by the Executable Book Project, an open community that builds open source tools for interactive and executable documents in the Jupyter ecosystem and beyond

Sphinx blog