2021-06-17 daisyUI + htmx (hypermedia) + tailwindcss + django-data-browser + Alpine 3.0


Tailwind CSS v2.2!

Well I can’t say we were really planning on it but over the last few weeks we’ve been having a ton of fun dumping new and exciting features into Tailwind and now feels like the right time to cut a release, so here it is — Tailwind CSS v2.2!

his has to be one of the most feature-rich Tailwind releases of all-time. Introducing Just-in-Time mode back in v2.1 has opened the doors to a lot of cool features we couldn’t have easily added otherwise, and this release is loaded with great examples of that.

Alpine 3.0 (2021-06-17)

This is done using some Alpine JS magic and I enjoyed implementing it.

htmx (hypermedia)

