
dagger Dagger in Action: Cutting Deployment Times from 3 Hours to 3 Minutes

“Replacing our makefiles with Dagger has greatly simplified our process
for deployments since it’s much faster (1-3 hours to 3 minutes)...

The power, flexibility and capability behind Dagger is something that
gets me excited.”

We’re always interested in hearing how our community is using Dagger – their use cases, their challenges, and their experiences with deploying Dagger in different environments.

Our Discord is a great place to find these stories, and to benefit from the knowledge and experience of the Dagger community.

In this blog post, we’ll share the story of Dagger community member, Andy Gonzalez (aka @duchi on Discord).

Andy, an SRE team leader, used Dagger to speed up his production AWS Lambda deployments from a few hours to just a few minutes…a 93% reduction in processing time!

“Dagger is an extremely powerful tool which allows users to upshift
from any CI/CD platform without hesitation.

I believe that Dagger is the future for CI/CD since the tool allows
users to be so decoupled by the actual platform itself.”

2023-03-04 Beginner’s Guide to rtx by Jeff Dickey