2024-01-10 Opentofu 1.6.0 (2024-01-10)


Official Announce on

Time for the big release! OpenTofu 1.6.0 is now stable!

Read more about this on our blog !

This version includes:

It also includes our new registry .

This release is a drop-in replacement , and you can follow our simple migration guide to start using it with your existing infrastructure configurations.

If you’d like to read about all the changes introduced, check out the detailed changelog .

To get started, find the installation instructions in our docs !

2024-01-10 OpenTofu is going GA

Today is a big day for OpenTofu !

After four months of work, we’re releasing the first stable release of OpenTofu, a community-driven open source fork of Terraform.

OpenTofu, a Linux Foundation project, is now production-ready .

It’s a drop-in replacement for Terraform, and you can easily migrate to it by following our migration guide .

Roni Frantchi wrote a great article prior to the holidays, describing our road so far and up to the release candidate.

It’s an excellent resource to learn more about how we got to where we are now.

I’ll be focusing on the now, and what we are up to in the near future. New Features

2023-12-19 OpenTofu Release Candidate Is Out, GA Set for Jan 10th

OpenTofu v1.6.0-rc1, the final stage before the first stable release, is out today.

It follows the quick succession of its alpha and beta versions, on the road to an expected General Availability release on January 10, 2024, right after the holidays.

This release includes bug fixes, stability improvements, and updates to documentation.

Importantly, this version highlights the stability of our new public registry, which debuted with the v1.6.0-beta1 release three weeks ago, and has been extensively tested by us and the early adopters from the OpenTofu community.

2024-01-12 Sortie d’OpenTofu 1.6 de Stéphane Robert


Information importante : Ce projet dispose du support de Partenaires Technologiques Importants : Des entreprises telles que CloudFlare, BuildKite, GitLab et Oracle soutiennent le projet.

Avec sa compatibilité avec Terraform, son engagement envers l’open-source, et ses nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que tofu test en font une option viable à qui cherche une alternative à Terraform.

Mais rien de mieux que le tester en condition réelle pour vérifier les promesses annoncées par l’équipe d’OpenTofu. C’est ce que je vais faire dès maintenant et je publierai mes conclusions définitives dans les prochaines semaines.


2024-01-10 OpenTofu Announces General Availability by The Linux Foundation

SAN FRANCISCO – JANUARY 10, 2024 – The OpenTofu community is excited to announce the general availability of OpenTofu, the open source fork of Terraform™, now a production-ready project under the Linux Foundation.

This milestone follows four months of development from over five dozen developers, offering a straightforward migration path for Terraform users.

The journey to this release highlights OpenTofu’s community-driven approach, and the value of open source.

Two examples of this stand out:

  • An RFC for client-side state encryption was submitted by a community member that tried to bring it to Terraform since 2016

  • Multiple RFCs for the OpenTofu registry were submitted, leading to an architecture that is 10x faster and 10x cheaper to operate.