2024-01-24 applying the tyson principle to cybersecurity what is htmx and exploring open source alternatives to terraform


Hey there,

We’re back after a long hiatus. We’ve been busy with our latest project FAUN SkillStep (a work-in-progress online learning platform for developers) and other projects. But we’re back now, and we’re going to be posting more regularly.

Our latest issue was a special issue in which we featured the Open Source projects you loved the most during 2023 (based on data). If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it here .

Building a Python Engineer using GPT4

Exploring Open Source Alternatives to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud

In the dynamic landscape of cloud infrastructure management, the role of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become pivotal in ensuring seamless, scalable, and automated provisioning. Terraform, with its Enterprise and Cloud offerings, has long been a stalwart in this domain, providing a robust platform for organizations to deploy and manage infrastructure with ease.

However, as the landscape evolves, so do the needs and preferences of users. Whether it’s a quest for cost-effective solutions, a desire for greater flexibility, or an inclination towards community-driven development, the search for alternatives to Terraform Enterprise and Terraform Cloud is a journey many organizations embark upon.

Stuff we figured out about AI in 2023

Stuff we figured out about AI in 2023

2023 was the breakthrough year for Large Language Models (LLMs). I think it’s OK to call these AI—they’re the latest and (currently) most interesting development in the academic field of Artificial Intelligence that dates back to the 1950s.

Here’s my attempt to round up the highlights in one place!

Is htmx Just Another JavaScript Framework?

One of the most common criticisms of htmx, usually from people hearing about it for the first time, goes like this:

You’re complaining about the complexity of modern frontend frameworks,
but your solution is just another complex frontend framework.

This is an excellent objection! It’s the right question to ask about any third-party (3P) code that you introduce into your project. Even though you aren’t writing the 3P code yourself, by including it in your project you are committed to understanding it—and refreshing that understanding if you want to upgrade it. That’s a big commitment.

Let’s break this criticism down into its constituent parts, and determine exactly how much htmx indulges in the harms it claims to solve.

Applying the Tyson Principle to Cybersecurity: Why Attack Simulation is Key to Avoiding a KO

The Hacker NewsBreach and Attack Simulation Principle to Cybersecurity

Picture a cybersecurity landscape where defenses are impenetrable, and threats are nothing more than mere disturbances deflected by a strong shield. Sadly, this image of fortitude remains a pipe dream despite its comforting nature.

In the security world, preparedness is not just a luxury but a necessity.

In this context, Mike Tyson’s famous adage, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face,” lends itself to our arena - cyber defenses must be battle-tested to stand a chance.

Tyson’s words capture the paradox of readiness in cybersecurity: too often, untested cyber defenses can create a false sense of security, leading to dire consequences when real threats land a blow. This is where Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS), a proactive tool in any organization’s cybersecurity arsenal, comes into play.