Git howto


What is the status of my branch ?

git status

How to go the main branch

git checkout main

How to delete a local and remote branch

git push --delete origin feature-<number>
git branch --delete feature-<number>

How to discard local file modifications

Sometimes the best way to get a feel for a problem is diving in and playing around with the code.

Unfortunately, the changes made in the process sometimes turn out to be less than optimal, in which case reverting the file to its original state can be the fastest and easiest solution:

git checkout -- Gemfile # reset specified path
git checkout -- lib bin # also works with multiple arguments

How to undo local commits

Alas, sometimes it takes us a bit longer to realize that we are on the wrong track, and by that time one or more changes may already have been committed locally. This is when git reset comes in handy:

git reset HEAD~2        # undo last two commits, keep changes
git reset --hard HEAD~2 # undo last two commits, discard changes

How to remove a file from git (git reset, git reset –hard HEAD)

git reset filename

or for all files:

git reset --hard HEAD

How to remove a file from git (git rm –cached filename)

If the files are in the git index:

git rm --cached filename

How to delete changes in a file from git (git checkout – filename)

git checkout -- filename

With the zsh shell:

git checkout -- **/*.py

Writing for a clean history (git rebase)

How to squash my last X commits together using Git ?

Squash your git commits for a clean history

Commit early and commit often. But when you are done with your feature, you can combine the commits into a single commit (or a few if that makes more sense to your history).

This allows you to get rid of minor fix commits from your git history.

Merging versus rebasing

How to see the big files in a git repo ?

$ git rev-list --objects --all | git cat-file --batch-check='%(objecttype) %(objectname) %(objectsize) %(rest)' | awk '/^blob/ {print substr($0,6)}' | sort --numeric-sort --key=2 | cut --complement --characters=13-40 | numfmt --field=2 --to=iec-i --suffix=B --padding=7 --round=nearest
76981b406428     54B
00ce6b3a9383     67B
71af4f16135f     74B typescript/typescript.rst
923b1678531b    113B frameworks/angular/versions/7.0/7.0.rst
0c27ee76f6f5    122B typescript/versions/3.1/3.1.rst
25d7d6868b40    127B .gitignore
9bc137c5d6a6    167B frameworks/angular/angular.rst
b82fc8b50da9    172B typescript/typescript.rst
eb9dec0b3e56    174B frameworks/angular/versions/versions.rst
9f0c65eb24ec    178B typescript/versions/versions.rst
4a8067c30497    197B frameworks/frameworks.rst
c0d826815143    201B Pipfile
539c544b94d1    211B .gitlab-ci.yml
d84c41553ed5    211B frameworks/angular/versions/7.0/7.0.rst
a157a70df495    221B frameworks/angular/versions/versions.rst
1c42b7d1ef77    261B frameworks/angular/versions/versions.rst
a785c282288e    344B frameworks/angular/angular.rst
c252df948d7c    397B frameworks/angular/angular.rst
efc3c9483260    515B index.rst
427e6b8eaf08    549B requirements.txt
c968cda42acf    549B requirements.txt
298ea9e213e8    580B Makefile
31824fd89ccb    598B index.rst
f06d7c779d0b    598B index.rst
d6d9d6d54873    761B Makefile
27f573b87af1    787B make.bat
bf081acb1295    883B frameworks/angular/angular.svg
32a043e5b580  2,5KiB
ec8c00ef69df  8,3KiB frameworks/angular/AngularJS_logo.svg.png
177e0572915e   11KiB Pipfile.lock
2396b9a349dc   11KiB Pipfile.lock
399efb7822c0   20KiB humour/black_hole_node_modules.png

How to remove big files from a git repo ?


git clone --mirror git://
java -jar ~/projects/bfg-1.13.0.jar --strip-blobs-bigger-than 1M  some-big-repo.git
Deleted files

    Filename          Git id
    db.dump         | 82a870b1 (2,0 GB), 05948004 (2,0 GB)          | aae0628c (307,4 MB)
    db_col.sql      | a7369b9b (60,2 MB)      | aae0628c (307,4 MB)        | b81913ef (1,1 MB)

In total, 330 object ids were changed. Full details are logged here:


BFG run is complete! When ready, run: git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

You can rewrite history in Git - don't let Trump do it for real!
Trump's administration has lied consistently, to make people give up on ever
being told the truth. Don't give up:

Setup a git hook