Advanced git flow memo

Revert the state of our branch (undo changes and commits)

This command is not the equivalent of svn revert. Be carefull.

With the revert command, we can undo all our current not commited changes, and all our not pushed commits .

git revert

Rebase our current branch onto another branch

To rebase the ‘feature’ branch onto ‘dev’ branch:

git checkout feature
git rebase dev

Then, the next time you will push your code to the remote repository, you will have to force the push in order to rewrite the git history.

git push --force

Rebase our code when pulling changes of the current branch

To get all the remote changes of the current branch, and keep my commits at the end of the branch

git pull --rebase

Then, the next time you will push your code to the remote repository, you will have to force the push in order to rewrite the git history.

git push --force

Use git flow

Initialize Git flow in a project

git flow init

To start a new development branch.

git flow feature start dev_branch_name

is equivalent to

git checkout -b dev_branch_name dev

To finish an existing development branch.

git flow feature finish dev_branch_name

is equivalent to

git checkout dev
git merge dev_branch_name --no-ff
git branch -d dev_branch_name

You can do the same with releases and hotfixes.

git flow release start release_branch_name
git flow release finish release_branch_name
git flow hotfix start release_branch_name
git flow hotfix finish release_branch_name

For release and hotfixes, the equivalent are

git checkout -b new_branch_name master


git checkout dev
git merge new_branch_name --no-ff
git checkout master
git merge new_branch_name --no-ff
git tag v1.0
git branch -d dev_branch_name