2022-06-17 pip install nodejs-bin


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

The nodejs-bin Python package redistributes Node.js so that it can be used as a dependency of Python projects.

With nodejs-bin you can call nodejs, npm and npx from both the command line and a Python API.

Note: this is an unofficial Node.js distribution.

This is intended for use within Python virtual environments and containers, it should probably not be used for global instillation

Inspired by @simonw and #ziglang, you can now (alpha!) install @nodejs in a Python virtual environment with just:

pip install nodejs-bin

You can even make it an optional requirement for a package, makes it super easy to install a full stack env

pipx run --spec=nodejs-bin npx .