Building Web Components with Vanilla JavaScript by Ali Spittel ( )

Learning Process

I had a lot of difficulty finding articles and examples on web components written in Vanilla JS.

There are a bunch of examples and articles on Polymer, which is a framework for writing web components that includes polyfills for browsers that don’t support web components yet.

The framework sounds awesome, and I may try working with it in the future, but I wanted to use just vanilla JavaScript for this particular project.

I ended up mostly using the MDN documentation on the Shadow DOM in order to build my project.

I also looked through CodePen and the WebComponents site, though I didn’t find too much on either that was similar to what I wanted to build.

I also really liked Joseph Moore’s article on web components which came out while I was working on this project! It covered some of the benefits of using web components:they work with all frameworks and they are simple to implement and understand since they just use vanilla JavaScript.