Exemples d’introduction #introduction

Mon introduction en Français

Mon #introduction

En tant qu’humain je suis particulièrement sensible à la #Liberté, l’#Egalité la #Justice pour tous les êtres humains et au respect des non humains Je suis assez inquiet de l’avenir de notre planète (#ClimateEmergency)

Je suis #antifasciste et je ne supporte pas le racisme; je lutte en particulier contre l’antisémitisme.

Je m’intéresse à l’#anarchisme, le #judaisme

En tant que développeur de logiciels, je porte un grand intérêt au #LogicielLibre. Je suis un passionné de #Python, je travaille sous #Debian.

Mon introduction en anglais

I think it’s time for a new pinned #introduction.

So here are some of my interests, in rough groupings:

  • #Justice #Equality #HumanRights #Antifascism Fights against #Antisemitism #AntiRom #Transphobia

  • #ClimateJustice #ClimateEmergency #EmergencyMode #ClimateAction #StopEcocide #EndFossilFuelProtection #NoECT #ExitECT

  • #History, #Geography #Architecture

  • #Judaism, #Anarchism

  • #Programming #Python #Django #PostgreSQL #Rust #SQL #FreeSoftware #Fediverse

RIP #AaronSwartz

Autres exemples d’introduction



I enjoy conversations about:

💻 #programming (especially #elixir , #elm , #lisp , #clojure or #ruby ), 🎮 #games (#videogames like #guiltygear , #darksouls , #finalfantasy , #nier as well as #ttrpg and #go) and #gamedev , 🤔 #philosophy , 🎸 #music , 🚀 #scifi , 🔥 #climatechange , ⚛️ #science , 📜 #history , 📈 #economics , and more.

I am inspired by #AlbertCamus , #NoamChomsky and #UrsulaKLeGuin .

Hi everyone!

It's time for a proper #introduction. I am a full-time #geographer,
#geochronologist, and #data scientist working as a researcher at
the #luminescence laboratory at the Ruprecht-Karls University #Heidelberg.

My work focuses on developing and applying new methods in #geochronolgy
(#luminescence_dating) to constrain rapid environmental changes throughout
the #Quaternary.
#introduction #histodon ancienne #prof d’HG et militante #ÉcoleEmancipée
membre de @AggiornamentoHG mes recherches portent sur les #musiquespopulaires
l’histoire de la #pressemagazine et des #mediationslusicales => les #inrockuptibles 1984/2010.
Je suis aussi sur le #blog #podcast #histgeobox.
On y parle #chanson #musiquespopulaires et #histoire. Celles qui la
disent ou la font.
Humaniste, apartisan pas apolitique, centralien, psychosociologue,
diplomate… Expert en (presque) rien mais résolument poly-disciplinaire,
je pouette ici pendant que #MonMari cuisine.

Mes principaux sujets d'intérêt :
- #Science (#Maths, #Physique, etc.)
- #Sciences humaines (#Socio, #Psy et #Éco)
- #DroitsHumains (team #Universalisme)
- #Politique française (team #Apartisan)
- #Géopolitique (européenne et mondiale)
- #MonMari (qui mérite une médaille)
- #MonChat (on habite chez lui, paraît-il)
I think it's time for a new pinned intro post. So here are some of my
interests, in rough groupings:

- #baking #sourdough #bread and #cooking generally
- #tea

- #FountainPens
- #JaneAusten and #Regency
- #sailing and #TallShips
- #drawing

- #RPGs and #games and #GameDesign
- #programming (especially with #Rust and #Python)
- #urbanism

- #WeightLifting and #archery
- #Judaism, #Quakerism, and #Buddhism
- #singing and #FolkMusic

Also I'm always interested in whatever you're geeking out about!
🌲 #Introduction 🌲

🐺 Hello! I'm an #OSS/#Technology hobbyist who spends a little too much
time looking inwards and thinking about things.

💧 I haven't been on a social network in years now— but after reading
more and more about the #Fediverse, I figured it was time that I give
it a whirl and network a bit.

☀️ So far lots and lots of my posts have been about #Vegan food,
sometimes with #Recipes.

#Music #Technology #Cycling #Cooking #Hiking #UrbanPlanning #AntiFascism
#Philosophy #AnimalRights
Have you started using hashtags in your posts? It's a best practice on Mastodon! Here are some options:
#introduction , #ai , #NewPaper , #PaperThread , #SOTA , #NLProc ,
#CV , #RL , #reviews , #conference , #deadline , #aiart , #academia ,
#industry , #PetPics , #question , #discussion , #announcement ,
#hiring , #JobHunt , #code , #news , #interesting , #concerning ,
#cool , #lame , #funny , #ethics , #fun , #serious , #random , #til ,
#scifi , #media , #SigmoidSocial
By way of #introduction, I am a #MastodonWorld mod, father of three
fantastic teenage daughters, spouse to a real hero, and ethics and
compliance professional who has been lucky enough to live and work
in 9 countries on 5 continents over the last 22 years.
Very happy to have found this alternative to Twitter and so many of
my favorite people from Twitter who have already arrived here.

I will boost interesting content and add some of my own from time
to time. Thanks for saying "hi".
At last, #introduction time:

I'm a geographer working as a research data manager & web dev for
the archaeology. I'm a longtime @qgis user, which I teach.
I started learning & using #python and #django 2 years ago.

Beside geospatial and web, I've worked before as a performer & artist.

I'm also into #sailing, and I've been #livingaboard for a couple
of years. I'm fluent in French, English and Spanish.

Last but not least, I'm the admin of mapstodon.space - quite happy
to see y'all around here!
🌏 Introducing https://mapstodon.space, a new Mastodon instance for
the mapping & geospatial community 🚀

Mapstodon is intended to be a gathering space for GIS, mapping,
geospatial & cartography professionals and enthusiasts, regardless
of the tools you use. Ask questions.
Share your maps. And above all: enjoy the @qgis emoji :qgis: 👀
Hi there,

This is the official Mastodon account for the Python Software Foundation (PSF.)
We're the non-profit home of the Python programming language and
our mission is to to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming
language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and
international community of Python programmers.

We also run PyCon US, https://us.pycon.org/2023/

We're excited to be here. :D
Since it seems to be the #mastodon tradition ...


I live in #Vancouver , #canada (on unceded territory; https://vancouver.ca/people-programs/land-acknowledgement.aspx).

I am a core developer on the #python programming language (19 years and counting).

Spare time is:

- #opensource (https://github.com/brettcannon/ , https://snarky.ca/)
- #movies (https://letterboxd.com/nothingbutsnark/)
- #tv shows (https://trakt.tv/users/brettcannon)
- #gaming (mostly Destiny 2 and Marvel Snap ATM)