Problems: the valse of Javascript frameworks : the technical debt


Depuis plusieurs mois et meme années certains développeurs se posent des questions de base sur le développement des applications Web avec les derniers frameworks Web qui sont devenus très complexes et qui étonnent beaucoup les développeurs “classiques” mais aussi les développeurs Web professionnels comme et bien d’autres.

MVC frameworks like Django, Spring, etc. are going to make a massive comeback in the next decade


MVC frameworks like Django, Spring, etc. are going to make a massive comeback in the next decade

the hypermedia architecture is just starting to reemerge & these tools are perfectly positioned to be the backend for this shift

the once & future kings!

when I say comeback, I don’t mean that they aren’t being used today: many folks are still using them as JSON terminals talking to a SPA front end

what I mean is that all the old, great server side infrastructure (e.g. templates) currently laying fallow will spring back to life

as the article says , these tools have been honed to a razors edge by decades of template rendered web 1.0 apps

once people realize what you can achieve w/ hypermedia & how much less complex it is, it will be off to the races

bullish on 2005 tech books!

10 reasons MVC frameworks aren’t dinosaurs but sharks


I first heard about the dinosaur 🦕 VS shark 🦈 analogy when I read this excellent article about relational databases:

You see, relational databases aren’t dinosaurs. They aren’t lumbering prehistoric relics doomed to extinction by a changing world.

They are sharks. Apex predators honed by millions of years of evolution into a perfectly adapted creature that is just as effective today as it was eons ago.

HTMX daily reminder Front end devs thinkin’ everyone is gonna be using javascript on the back end soon

Front end devs thinkin’ everyone is gonna be using javascript on the back end soon.


It’s difficult to get a man undestand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it

It’s difficult to get a man undestand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it


The cost of javascript frameworks

Thoughts from


How Modern JavaScript is Ruining the Web w/Chris Ferdinandi (2021-07)

What’s This One About ?

In this episode Matt and Mike sit down with Chris Ferdinandi to discuss the current state of JavaScript and more specifically why Chris thinks that it’s ruining the web as we know it.

JavaScript has exploded in popularity over the past few years and with that a rush of new developer talent has adopted the likes of JavaScript frameworks (ie React, Vue) to spin up projects quickly and easily, even if they’re not that big (ie a landing page).

In addition to this conversation, the trio discuss the importance of documentation, accessibility, and more !

Thoughts from (from )

Javascript feelings


Modern development


This is fine


Javascript framework risks


React overengineering


Les spécialistes front-end en faveur de la simplicité

Chris Ferdinandi ( )

Andy bell

Sam et max sur la dette technique

JeremyMouzin sur les récents frameworks Web

Intéressant de penser que @vuejs va être le framework “final” qui mettra tout le monde d’accord. Mais il y en a d’autres qui arrivent comme @sveltejs et d’autres qu’on ne connait pas encore .. La valse des frameworks JS ne s’arrêtera jamais…


Articles sur la dette technique produit par les nouveaux frameworks Javascript


New Javascript frameworks


Katerina Borodina (What the fuck !)


Moore law

Websites will continuously add more JavaScript to neutralize the performance improvements predicted by Moore’s Law.


Getting them used to the pain of the #javascript life as early as possible


JS build


So hard to maintain
