Ruby On Rails 6.0.0 (NOT RELEASED)

Rails 6.0.0 rc1 released

Posted by dhh, April 24, 2019 @ 7:30 pm in Releases

Okay, so we didn’t quite make our aspirational release schedule, but Rails 6 is now almost ready, so here’s the first release candidate!

There isn’t anything remarkably new compared to the beta releases, but everything has been polished (in about 1000 commits!), and we believe this candidate could become the final release, lest we find any egregious bugs.

This may well also be the best exercised release candidate in the history of Rails!

The team at Basecamp, Shopify, and GitHub are all running either rc1 or just-about in production.

It’s been a real pleasure to see the Shopify and GitHub teams leap to the front of the line running the latest in production.

Rails 6.0.0 beta1: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default