A web app to help a restaurant keep track of its inventory throughout the day. Capstone project for Codecademy Django course


Well, I think I’m finally ready to show this off:

Been learning web development with Django on Codecademy. After completing the capstone project the standard Django web 1.0 way, I spent some time htmx-ifying it, as well as sprinkling some hyperscript throughout (which makes this a #djhype app before the stack was coined ).

Extremely pleased with the UI patterns I was able to achieve this way! Christ is opening doors for me at my job as I learn this stuff, so I’m thankful to Him for the opportunity to practice with these libraries.

You can see the code at https://github.com/iamjameswalters/codecademy-mealwise

You can interact with a live demo of the site at https://iamjameswalters.pythonanywhere.com/

Thanks! This is the stack my coworker and I are about to use to reimplement an internal web app we have, so this was all valuable practice.

htmx/hyperscript are definitely elevating the quality of this project, because we wouldn’t have fussed with JS for it


A web app to help a restaurant keep track of its inventory throughout the day.

Capstone project for Codecademy Django course.

This app uses Bootstrap 5 <https://getbootstrap.com/> , htmx , _hyperscript , Bokeh for the revenue chart, and django-admin-interface .

The majority of that was added after completing the requirements for the assignment (v1.0)

Try it Out

Visit iamjameswalters.pythonanywhere.com to interact with a live demo of the app.

The database should reset nightly. Feel free to create your own account, or use user: testuser/pass: mealwise .

Without signing in, you can place and delete orders. All the other features require an account.