2022-07-01 Reimagining front-end web development with htmx and hyperscript by Owen Jones


We all know that to create an interactive front end for your website you need JavaScript. Not just vanilla JS, mind: we’re in 2022, and to create an acceptable UI you need to be using a framework like React or Vue.js.

Right ?


In recent years, a few mavericks and renegades have started to turn away from the world of JS frameworks and the inevitable bloated node_modules folders. But what if you want a smooth single-page app experience, rather than waiting for the whole page to render every time you click a button?

Of course, nobody wants to write a load of boilerplate JS for every little interaction. This is where hypermedia in the form of htmx and hyperscript come in.

These two open-source toolkits, both developed by Big Sky Software and collaborators, provide a host of HTML attributes to deal with AJAX requests, partial DOM updates, CSS transitions, event handling, Server-Sent Events and WebSockets in a clear, user-friendly syntax.

There are a number of excellent tutorials online demonstrating the capabilities of these tools; I particularly like BugBytes’ tutorials on YouTube .

In this article, I’m going to show you how I used them in my current project , which is a simple membership/subscription tracking site made with Django.