2022-10-15 DjangoCon 2022 From React to htmx on a real-world SaaS product: we did it, and it’s awesome ! by David Guillot


From React to htmx on a real-world SaaS product: we did it, and it’s awesome! by David Guillot

We took the plunge and replaced the 2-year-of-work React UI of our SaaS product with simple Django templates and htmx in a couple of months.

We’d like to share our experience with you, with concrete indicators on various aspects, and convince your CTO!



Django components (Create simple reusable template components in Django)



Twitter reactions



Hynek Schlawack

@hynek 26 min En réponse à @kvalekseev That said & shitposting aside: nobody is saying React should literally go away. What htmx does tho is a re-democratization of web dev & the allergic reactions by SPA incumbents (NOT meaning you) are VERY telling.

Allowing to build rich web UIs in langs you like is a net positive.


