HTMX hx-swap-oob allows you to specify that some content in a response should be swapped into the DOM somewhere other than the target, that is “Out of Band”


The hx-swap-oob attribute allows you to specify that some content in a response should be swapped into the DOM somewhere other than the target, that is “Out of Band”.

This allows you to piggy back updates to other element updates on a response.

Consider the following response HTML:

<div id="alerts" hx-swap-oob="true">

The first div will be swapped into the target the usual manner.

The second div, however, will be swapped in as a replacement for the element with the id alerts, and will not end up in the target.

The value of the hx-swap-oob can be:

  • true

  • any valid hx-swap value

  • any valid hx-swap value, followed by a colon, followed by a CSS selector

If the value is true or outerHTML (which are equivalent) the element will be swapped inline.

If a swap value is given, that swap strategy will be used.

If a selector is given, the first element matching that selector will be swapped. If not , the element with an ID matching the new content will be swapped.


something like this:
<div hx-swap-oob="innerHTML:body">
   <!-- content to swap into the body -->
I think that should place all that content inside the body tag
haven't tested though
Effectively, i forgot that hx-swap-oob could take a selector,
I thought oob needed an id somewhere. So yes, it seems to mimic
 what could be achieved with HX-Retarget. Thanks!

 no prob, I forget too.  you are pushing htmx hard, this is good!