hyperscript definition

hyperscript is a scripting language designed for modern front-end web development.

hyperscript makes writing event handlers and highly responsive user interfaces trivial with native language support for async behavior - easier than promises or async/await.

hyperscript features include:

  • Events as first class citizens in the language. Clean syntax for responding to and sending events, as well as event-driven control flow

  • DOM-oriented syntax with seamless integrated CSS id, CSS class and CSS query literals

  • First class web workers

  • An async-transparent runtime for highly responsive user experiences.

  • A pluggable & extendable parser & grammar

  • A debugger to step through hyperscript code

hyperscript is a companion project of htmx .

Because hyperscript relies on promises, it does not strive for IE11 compatibility.

You can see a comparison of hyperscript, vanillaJS and jQuery here .