deno developers

Ryan Dahl

See also

Bartek Iwańczuk

Contributing to @denoland, author of deno-postgres, interested in TypeScript, Rust and Python.

Bert Belder

Kitson Kelly

Principal Technologist @ThoughtWorksInc, contributing to @denoland and author of @oakserver


Many thanks to the many contributors who helped make this release possible.

Especially: @kitsonk who has had a massive hand in many parts of the system, including (but not limited to) the TypeScript compiler host, deno_typescript, deno bundle, deno install, deno types, streams implementation.

@kevinkassimo has contributed countless bug fixes over the whole history of the project. Among his contributions are the timer system, TTY integration, wasm support. Deno.makeTempFile, Deno.kill, Deno.hostname, Deno.realPath, std/node’s require, window.queueMircotask, and REPL history. He also created the logo.

@kt3k implemented the continuous benchmark system (which has been instrumental in almost every major refactor), signal handlers, the permissions API, and many critical bug fixes.

@nayeemrmn contributes bug fixes in many parts of Deno, most notably he greatly improved the stack trace and error reporting, and has been a forceful help towards the stabilizing the APIs for 1.0.

@justjavac has contributed many small but critical fixes to align deno APIs with web standards and most famously he wrote the VS Code deno plugin.

@zekth has contributed a lot of modules to std, among them the std/encoding/csv, std/encoding/toml, std/http/cookies, as well as many other bug fixes.

@axetroy has helped with all things related to prettier, contributed many bug fixes, and has maintained the VS Code plugin.

@afinch7 implemented the plugin system.

@keroxp implemented the websocket server and provided many bug fixes.

@cknight has provided a lot of documentation and std/node polyfills.

@lucacasonato built almost the entire website.

@hashrock has done a lot of amazing artwork, like the loading page on and the lovely image at the top of this page !