
Modern JavaScript for Django Developers


Sadly, for many Django developers, the modern JavaScript ecosystem is intimidating. The tools feel complex. There are often several ways to achieve the same goals. It’s hard to choose a framework—and then once you do, it’s hard to know exactly how to integrate it into a Django project.

The result is confusion and frustration—and sometimes even a general grumpiness about JavaScript itself.

Python makes sense. Django makes sense. JavaScript? JavaScript is more like that annoying cousin that you tolerate but secretly you just wish they’d to go away.

If this sounds like you, then you’ve found the right place! This guide aims to remove those barriers and provide a clear, frustration-free way of doing modern JavaScript development with Django.

It’s the guide I wish I had when I first started bringing React—and later Vue, Sass and other front-end technologies—into my own Django projects.

It contains the knowledge I’ve accrued from 10+ years of working on Django projects big and small.

Part 1 Organizing your Front-End Codebase in a Django Project

Part 2 A Crash Course in Modern JavaScript Tooling

Integrating a Modern JavaScript Pipeline into a Django Application

Models and Managers and Querysets, Oh My