
2023-02-23 JavaScript Import maps, Part 1: Introduction

We recently shipped import maps in Firefox 108 and this article is the first in a series that describes what they are and the problems they can solve.

In this first article, we will go through the background and basics of import maps and follow up with a second article explaining more details of import maps.

Background: JavaScript Modules

If you don’t know JavaScript modules, you can read the MDN docs for JavaScript Modules first, and there are also some related articles on Mozilla Hacks like ES6 In Depth: Modules and ES modules: A cartoon deep-dive.

If you are already familiar with them, then you are probably familiar with static import and dynamic import. As a quick refresher:

<!-- In a module script you can do a static import like so: -->
<script type="module">
import lodash from "/node_modules/lodash-es/lodash.js";

<!-- In a classic or a module script,
you can do a dynamic import like so: -->

Notice that in both static import and dynamic import above, you need to provide a string literal with either the absolute path or the relative path of the module script, so the host can know where the module script is located.