The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSocket


The dual approach of marrying a Single Page App with an API service has left many dev teams mired in endless JSON wrangling and state discrepancy bugs across two layers. This costs dev time, slows release cycles, and saps the bandwidth for innovation.

But a new WebSockets-driven approach is catching web developers’ attention.

One that reaffirms the promises of classic server-rendered frameworks: fast prototyping, server-side state management, solid rendering performance, rapid feature development, and straightforward SEO.

One that enables multi-user collaboration and reactive, responsive designs without building two separate apps.

The end result is a single-repo application that feels to users just as responsive as a client-side all-JavaScript affair, but with straightforward templating and far fewer loading spinners, and no state misalignments, since state only lives in one place.

All of this sets us up for a considerably easier (and faster!) development path.

But then the JavaScript everything notion took hold…

As the web development world pushed deeper into the 2010s, the tides began to turn, and server-rendered frameworks took something of a backseat to the Single Page Application, wholly built in JavaScript and run entirely on the client’s computer.

At many companies, the “server” became relegated to hosting an API data service only, with most of the business logic and all of the HTML rendering happening on the client, courtesy of the big ’ol package of JavaScript that visitors were forced to download when they first hit the site.

This is where things started to get ugly.

Fast-forward to 2020 and the web isn’t getting any faster, as we were promised it would with SPAs.

Shoving megabytes of JavaScript down an iPhone 4’s throat doesn’t make for a great user experience. And if you thought building a professional web app took serious resources, what about building a web app and an API service and a communication layer between them? Do we really believe that every one of our users is going to have a device capable of digesting 100 kB of JSON and rendering a complicated HTML table faster than a server-side app could on even a mid-grade server ?

We’re not building web software for us. We’re building it for them .

The users of our software have expectations of how it’s going to work for them. We have to meet them where they are.

Our users are no longer excited about full-page refreshes and ugly Rube Goldberg-ian multi-form workflows.

The SPA approach was the next logical leap from piles of unorganized spaghetti JavaScript living on the server. The problem, though: it was a 5% improvement, not a 500% improvement.