2021-05-03 htmx specs, extending-html-as-a-hypermedia



have you thought about writing a proposal for WHATWG ? I do agree with the idea that htmx should not exist as a library but rather be part of the HTML spec.

I think this idea will resonate with a lot of people once it’s framed as HTML 6 o 7 o 10…

Makes a lot of sense and the HTMX library might work as a proof of concept of how it could potentially work.

I believe there are enough use cases for these features and a simple incremental change to the spec to make it work,

It's worth the try, they do have a very open and documented process
which seem low effort at least to present a feature idea

here’s also WICG https://discourse.wicg.io/ for informal discussions on specs

Annonce twitter

i created a discussion on web incubator cg regarding moving HTML forward as a hypermedia:


http://htmx.org probably shouldn’t exist, rather it should be how HTML works

/cc @TravisLeithead @yoavweiss


HTML has advanced in many ways over the last two decades, but it hasn’t grown much as a hypermedia.

In particular, anchors and forms are still the primary way to drive network activity via user interactions in pure HTML-based applications.

Due to these limitations, javascript has come to the fore as the premier technology for building advanced web applications.

Unfortunately, as a consequence, much of the original power and simplicity of the web is being lost. In particular, Hypermedia is no longer The Engine of Application State.

Rather, application state is often maintained in in memory javascript stores and the DOM is reactively updated based on that state.

A Potential Way Forward

I have been working on an open source javascript library for about a decade now that tries to address the shortcomings of HTML while still remaining firmly within the original, REST-ful model of the web. It began as intercooler.js 4 and last summer was renamed to htmx 19, after I broke the dependency on jQuery.

The core idea is to use extended HTML attributes to drive server interactions, and allow for the replacement of elements within the DOM, rather than whole-page refreshes, based on HTML content returned from the server.

This very much satisfies the REST constraints, and extends HTML (hence htmx).

htmx demonstrates that, with a few declarative HTML attributes, you can express many common UX patterns that would normally be done with javascript.

The most significant attributes are:

  • hx-get 7, etc. - specifies the url to issue a request too

  • hx-trigger 3 - specifies the event that triggers a request

  • hx-target - specifies the element to update in the DOM

  • hx-swap 2 - specifies the manner in which the returned content should be swapped into the DOM

Here is an example that demonstrates the “Live Search” pattern, using only a few attributes:

Moving HTML Forward as a Hypertext

It seems to me that much of the functionality of htmx could, and perhaps should, simply be part of normal HTML.

There is no reason a hypermedia should have to replace the entire document on navigation, and there is no reason why only clicks and submits should be able to drive network interactions.

The particulars of the htmx attributes don’t matter nearly as much as the general idea of revisiting HTML qua hypermedia and thinking about how we can drive it, and, therefore hypermedia-based application development, forward.

Discord discussion

htmx as official spec ?

Note that “htmx as spec” doesn’t mean copying and pasting the whole htmx documentation into html.spec.whatwg.org right away, rather extending the scope of existing html features in ways that aid hypertext application development (see my post on the wicg topic). htmx and the like would continue existing as a place for new ideas to be tested in the real world.

At some time in the future, all these libraries will likely be obsolete for new projects, but when that will happen will be determined by developers, not the spec.

Ten years later we will know what got used and what not.

but that doesn’t mean we should wait ten years until starting discussions about improving html itself. Spec conversations can go on as htmx/unpoly/hotwire/other development continues and new libraries spring up. These discussions can also give a view of what the general web developer community thinks of html-driven development, which will help htmx