HPKP (Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP, RFC7469, 2015)


Explication de Stéphane Bortzmeyer

Depuis que les piratages de Comodo et DigiNotar ont fait prendre conscience du peu de sécurité qu’apportent les certificats X.509, plusieurs solutions ont été proposées pour combler les failles des autorités de certification.

La proposition de ce RFC consiste à permettre à un client d’épingler (to pin) les clés cryptographiques d’un serveur HTTP utilisant TLS, c’est-à-dire à s’en souvenir pendant une durée spécifiée par le serveur. Ainsi, même si un faux certificat est émis par une AC, il ne sera pas accepté.

Définition Mozilla

The Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP (HPKP) is a security feature that tells a web client to associate a specific cryptographic public key with a certain web server to decrease the risk of MITM attacks with forged certificates.

To ensure the authenticity of a server’s public key used in TLS sessions, this public key is wrapped into a X.509 certificate which is usually signed by a certificate authority (CA). Web clients such as browsers trust a lot of these CAs, which can all create certificates for arbitrary domain names.

If an attacker is able to compromise a single CA, they can perform MITM attacks on various TLS connections. HPKP can circumvent this threat for the HTTPS protocol by telling the client which public key belongs to a certain web server.

HPKP is a Trust on First Use (TOFU) technique. The first time a web server tells a client via a special HTTP header which public keys belong to it, the client stores this information for a given period of time.

When the client visits the server again, it expects at least one certificate in the certificate chain to contain a public key whose fingerprint is already known via HPKP. If the server delivers an unknown public key, the client should present a warning to the user.


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