2021-06-09 postgresql-as-a-microservice + Javascript framework debt + htmx video

Fun chats with Alex – Carson explains his HTMX breakthrough!


One of the biggest breakthroughs in software architecture I’ve stumbled upon this year is Carson’s HTMX.

I could barely contain my excitement when I realized the full potential of this new tech. I was so happy when Carson accepted my invite to be the guest on the show. I’ve learned a lot today by chatting with Carson.

Watch this chat – you’re guaranteed to learn a lot from Carson!

well htmx is attributes on top of html
so you're going to have to have some
sort of html
infrastructure and so one of the goals
with hdmx has been to
be agnostic towards the bac
year like we've made a huge amount of
headway in the django world in the last
two or three months
and so um django people are very excited
about hdmx
which is great because the docs will get
better there
you know i i'm not a big fan of
javascript even though i've written
quite a bit of javascript in the last
couple years
um and i i would certainly prefer to
write my back end
i grew up you know programming in java
and ruby for the most part and if i was
doing a web app i'd like to probably use

and uh it just really bugged me
that there was so much pressure to adopt
javascript when it's such a
you know in my mind it's just not a
great programming language

the rest net networking model had been
somewhat hijacked
and turned into this discussion around
json apis
where in my opinion the term rest does
not really apply very well
because json is not naturally a hyper
in the way that html is and so the
problem with jason is it's not

json is just a serialization format you
can take that and you can do things like
links in it and so forth but that never
really took off that never really
mattered that much

people eventually just stopped doing it
the the reason they were trying to do it
was they were trying to shoehorn
this json data api into the original
rest model of the web
but there was no reason to do that so i
often tell people when they go to json
just forget about rest
don't have them try and have restful

and so htmx is that is very much
trying to return to that model but also
allow you to do more interesting
ux interactions with the server that
don't just
you know refresh the whole page and
it's a it's it really is a return to
that original model of the web
and taking html which kind of stalled as
a hyper media
and driving it forward to say okay let's
just see how far we can go with hyper
media and that's exactly why i

and that's exactly why i
think i feel it's a revolution because
it's healing it's bringing back
but it should be because if you know
from the software engineering and
architecture point of view there's a

you know it's tough it's a it's a long
dissertation and there's a lot of
stuff in it that isn't relevant
unfortunately but it's worth slogging
um just you know unfortunately
even the boy even the um the wikipedia
entries on rest
and i think on hateos don't use html

maybe i should you know it's easy to
complain maybe i should
write that page and just martin fowler
had a really good
uh blog post about that to to boil down
i don't know if you had a chance to read

yeah well i wrote a blog post that
brings up an interesting topic i wrote a
blog post
on the intercooler website called
hadiosis for humans
and my my assertion is that um
you need so to consume a hyper media
you need agency like you need to be a

and that's why the floodgates um we just
good uh tutorials
just for you because i you know i was i
was hoping i can
on my own have uh using hdmx
prepare because i would like to go back
to my teams
i'm leading the teams of engineers show
let us show you the light look at this
you don't have to worry about react and
redux like things

figure out how to have a real
with a youtube tutorial or something and
and start
spreading the news because i i think
it's significant

you know i'm i'm going to release 1.4
of htmlx and i think the next big push
is going to be docs
and just trying to find out you know i'd
love to chat offline about
what what the best way to reach the c
sharp community
is because i've had a lot of success
with django
um and you know i think c sharp and java

when i think about what other big line
you know you just look at the top 10
c sharp and java the reason why django
took off i think is that
python has traditionally been very
underserved it's a very popular language
a lot of people learn it in college here
and it has a lot of good tools available
for it
but it's been underserved by the front
end community because the front end
community became so focused on
and so they were just sitting there
waiting for something like htmlx to come
along where
you know i tell them hey you can stay in
django it's all good
just produce html here's a better way to
your in a simple way to build web apps
that dovetails with your existing

right yeah it's nice to talk to someone
who knows what that means
there's a lot of the younger kids don't
know i don't wanna
i don't wanna sound uh pompous but that
means the holy grail of
system architecture therefore

yeah it's a human yeah it is it's humane
um you know and i do want to one one uh
if you go to the hdmx.org and you go to
the examples page
one i think one of the best examples
there's the lazy load example which is
really good too but there's also a uh
an active search example which i think
it's not cool
and that's an example of when you go to

but what we're really trying to
accomplish here is
being able to have that nicer user
with a more powerful hypermedia and
but then stay within that original model
and you know i've been very surprised at
far people have been able to push user

yeah i mean it's just people are used to
it so we've got some habits to break
um yeah and but but i think that you
know it makes it harder
on people like us who are trying to sell
hyper media to the broader
development community

realized no i cannot engineer this i'm
going we're going yeah
hyper media so i think it's strong it's
going to show its
worth in the future um
i'm excited with about hdmx i think it
phenomenal potential

oh yeah no no doubt no doubt so the que
the challenge knowledge just says how do
make it mainstream yeah i sometimes i
wonder if i wanted to go mainstream

uh there are other things out there like
not i think hdmx is unique in that it's
really focused on
increasing the expressiveness of html
like that
sound bite is htmx in a nutshell
and it's different than most other
approaches but you do have things like
turbo lynx from the rails community and
hot wire now
from the from the rails communities as

and then it probably falls to us who
have this
you know not to to our own horns but
deeper understanding of the original web
to communicate it to the broader and
younger community
who didn't grow up with it the way we
did you know i think one of the benefits
of having some gray in my beard is
that i've seen a lot of this stuff right
and uh so we you know we've worked we
both worked on rpc based
systems like real ones not web-based
and we went through we you know we know
what soap is and

we know we're really trying to make the
the web let's use the web as the web
and that's okay

PostgreSQL as a Microservice

These days the RDBMS innovation landscape is shifted towards distributed SQL and how to handle very large databases.

Some aspects require an OLAP approach, others want to still handle OLTP systems of records in the billions scale and more, and more and more we see HTAP use cases .

HTAP stands for Hybrid transactional/analytical processing and is a mixed approach that attempts at solving both analytical and transactional aspects of your data production life cycle within a single system.

When dealing with a data set in the Petabyte scale, having to operate more than one copy of the system becomes somewhat impractical, or at least quite costly.

One of the major difficulties when implementing a distributed SQL solution is around transaction properties of the system.

We like the ACID aspect of RDBMS because it allows the application code and the developers to focus on a single user workflow at a time.

That’s quite wonderful, let’s keep it that way!

Better JSON in Postgres with PostgreSQL 14

Javascript framework risks

Installation walkthrough experience for both Gitea and GitLab