ldapsearch example 1



Searching the sAMAccountName=”mkent” and display all attributes

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
-s sub "(sAMAccountName=mkent)"

Searching the users with “cn” attribute selection

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
 -D "<username>" -w "<password>" \
 -b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de \
 -s sub cn | grep "cn: "

Searching CN=”Martha Kent” and display all attributes

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
CN="Martha Kent"

or, giving the CN with the complete path:

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b cn="Martha Kent",OU=New York,ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de

Searching sAMAccountName=mkent and display sAMAccountName, sn et mail attributes

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
-s sub "(sAMAccountName=mkent)" \
-s sub sAMAccountName sn mail

Searching CN=”Martha Kent” and display AMAccountName, sn et mail attributes

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
CN="Martha Kent" -s sub sAMAccountName sn mail

or, giving the CN in the search base with the complete path:

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b cn="Martha Kent",OU=New York,ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de \
-s sub sAMAccountName sn mail

Searching the users with the “sAMAccountName” selection

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de \
-s sub sAMAccountName | grep "sAMAccountName: "

List of cn=”Martha Kent” groups

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
CN="Martha Kent" -s sub memberOf

List of group grp_heroes members

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=groups,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de \
cn=grp_heroes -s sub member

Searching sAMAccountName=”mkent” and display all attributes

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
-s sub "(sAMAccountName=mkent)"
ldap_initialize( ldap://pdc.int.fsf.de )
filter: (sAMAccountName=mkent)
requesting: All userApplication attributes
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=users,ou=company,dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: (sAMAccountName=mkent)
# requesting: ALL

# Martha Kent, New York, Users, company, int.fsf.de
dn: CN=Martha Kent,OU=New York,OU=Users,OU=company,DC=int,DC=,dc=de
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: Martha Kent
sn: kent
c: FR
l: New York
st:: SXPDqHJl
description: Compte Utilisateur
postalCode: 38120
telephoneNumber: +56 123 85 22 254 341
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +56 123 85 22 254 342
givenName: martha
initials: PVE
distinguishedName: CN=Martha Kent,OU=New York,OU=Users,OU=fsf,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20170112125817.0Z
whenChanged: 20190415144530.0Z
displayName: Martha Kent
uSNCreated: 196753
memberOf: CN=grp_heroes,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=super_ops,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=super_admin,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=fsf_all,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
uSNChanged: 5969820
department:: U2VydmljZXMgR8OpbsOpcmF1eA==
company: company
streetAddress: 5, greenwich village
wWWHomePage: http://www.fsf.de
name: Martha Kent
objectGUID:: s+ejvcXxK0GaaC9WHKsmjg==
userAccountControl: 512
badPwdCount: 5
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
homeDirectory: \\files.srv.int.fsf.de\mkent
homeDrive: Z:
badPasswordTime: 131998995971195966
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 131995312168156184
scriptPath: logon.bat
pwdLastSet: 131484602237872238
primaryGroupID: 2567
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
logonCount: 3269
sAMAccountName: mkent
sAMAccountType: 805306368
userPrincipalName: mkent@fsf.de
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
dSCorePropagationData: 20181109132941.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 20171017095326.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z
lastLogonTimestamp: 131998131154488876
mail: martha.kent@fsf.de

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

Searching users with “cn” attribute selection

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de \
-s sub cn | grep "cn: "
ldap_initialize( ldap://pdc.int.fsf.de )
filter: (objectclass=*)
requesting: cn
cn: ....

Searching CN=”Martha Kent” and display all attributes

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
CN="Martha Kent"

or, giving the base research (with the complete path):

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b cn="Martha Kent",OU=New York,ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de
ldap_initialize( ldap://pdc.int.fsf.de )
filter: CN=Martha Kent
requesting: All userApplication attributes
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=users,ou=company,dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: CN=Martha Kent
# requesting: ALL

Searching sAMAccountName=mkent and display sAMAccountName, sn et mail attributes

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
-s sub "(sAMAccountName=mkent)" \
-s sub sAMAccountName sn mail
ldap_initialize( ldap://pdc.int.fsf.de )
filter: (sAMAccountName=mkent)
requesting: sAMAccountName sn mail
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=users,ou=company,dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: (sAMAccountName=mkent)
# requesting: sAMAccountName sn mail

# Martha Kent, New York, Users, company, int.fsf.de
dn: CN=Martha Kent,OU=New York,OU=Users,OU=company,DC=int,DC=i
sn: kent
sAMAccountName: mkent
mail: martha.kent@fsf.de

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

Searching CN=”Martha Kent” and displaying sAMAccountName, sn and mail

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
CN="Martha Kent" -s sub sAMAccountName sn mail
ldap_initialize( ldap://pdc.int.fsf.de )
filter: CN=Martha Kent
requesting: sAMAccountName sn mail
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=users,ou=company,dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: CN=Martha Kent
# requesting: sAMAccountName sn mail

# Martha Kent, New York, Users, company, int.fsf.de
dn: CN=Martha Kent,OU=New York,OU=Users,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
sn: kent
sAMAccountName: mkent
mail: martha.kent@fsf.de

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

Searching users with “sAMAccountName” attribute

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de \
-s sub sAMAccountName | grep "sAMAccountName: "
ldap_initialize( ldap://pdc.int.fsf.de )
filter: (objectclass=*)
requesting: sAMAccountName
sAMAccountName: amarchal

List of Martha Kent groups

ldapsearch -x -v -h pdc.int.fsf.de \
-D "<username>" -w "<password>"  \
-b ou=users,ou="company",dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de  \
CN="Martha Kent" -s sub memberOf
ldap_initialize( ldap://pdc.int.fsf.de )
filter: CN=Martha Kent
requesting: memberOf
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=users,ou=company,dc=int,dc=fsf,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: CN=Martha Kent
# requesting: memberOf

# Martha Kent, New York, Users, company, int.fsf.de
dn: CN=Martha Kent,OU=New York,OU=Users,OU=company,DC=int,DC=i
memberOf: CN=grp_heroes,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=ops,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=log_admin,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=fsf_all,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=fsf_etage,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de
memberOf: CN=ESX Admins,CN=Users,DC=int,DC=fsf,dc=de

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1