git checkout (switch branches or restore working tree files)


Permet de changer de branche.


git checkout blogpost

git checkout [nom-de-branche]

Source :

Froggit tutorial par Christophe Chaudier

git checkout [nom-de-branche]

bascule sur la branche demandée, par défaut c’est master.

Create a new branch

To create a new branch and making it the current working branch

git branch new-branch
git checkout new branch

You can do the same with only one command:

git checkout -b new-branch

Change the current working branch

By default, we are on the ‘master’ branch.

To swith to another branch, we can do:

git checkout branch-name

Interactively Revert Selected Parts of Files

git checkout -p

–patch can be also used to selectively discard parts of each tracked file. I aliased this command as git discard

For more: git help checkout

Switch to Previous Branch

git checkout -

This command allows you to quickly switch to the previously checked out branch. On a general note - is an alias for the previous branch.

It can be used with other commands as well. I aliased checkout to co so, it becomes just git co -

Revert All Local Changes

git checkout .

If you are sure that all of your local changes can be discarded, you can use . to do it at once.

It is, however, a good practice to always use checkout –patch.