
2023-05-23 I personally developed a tool called hyperleaflet

Hey everyone, I’ve got a cool video to share with you! It’s all about leaflet works with htmx, and the best part is you don’t even need to write any JavaScript for it (maybe).

I personally developed a tool called hyperleaflet that makes it possible.

In the video, I demonstrate how you can display capitals on a map using a bounding box.

It’s a simple yet powerful feature.

If you want to learn more about hyperleaflet, you can visit the documentation at https://docs.hyperleaflet.dev/ . Just keep in mind that it’s still a work in progress, but I’m planning to finish it up this weekend.

That’s not all! I’ll be sharing more examples soon, like how to create points on a map by simply clicking on it using htmx and hyperscript .

It’s really awesome to work with htmx easily!

By the way, the sample code in the video is written in Python Flask, and I’ve kept it as simple as possible.

If you’re interested, you can check it out at https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/amazing-ishizaka-ykfcin .

Feel free to explore and let me know if you have any questions or ideas. Enjoy!

2023-05-23 Hypermedia On Whatever you’d Like (HOWL)

2023-05-18 And got something working (simple chatrooms app): It uses the HTMX SSE extension #django #htmx #postgresql

And got something working (simple chatrooms app):


It uses the HTMX SSE extension to handle events generated using PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY.

The result is a bit hacky but it works…while I had to deal with the usual head-scratching over async, it’s much simpler than the usual channels/redis setup.

2023-05-18 I would like to give a shout out to the YouTube channel BugBytes #django #htmx

I would like to give a shout out to the YouTube channel BugBytes. He makes very good videos about a lot of #Python topics especially #Django.

I hope he gets a lot of viewers and keeps making these videos, they help me a lot.

Here’s a link to his #HTMX series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ula0c_rZ6gk&list=PL-2EBeDYMIbRByZ8GXhcnQSuv2dog4JxY&pp=iAQB

2023-05-13 just learned about Django Requests Tracker, which uses some htmx under the hood #Python #Django #htmx

Over on the Awesome-PyHAT discussion, just learned about Django Requests Tracker, which uses some htmx under the hood and builds upon the already great Django Debug Toolbar.

It’s mainly geared toward Django API development, but provides similar info on requests, responses, SQL queries, headers, settings, and more…

It has very sleek search, sorting, and filtering options (see the vid in the readme), all hypermedia driven.

Check it out!

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