
2023-12 Modern frontends with htmx Use htmx with SpringBoot and Thymeleaf to build dynamic and interactive web applications


Imagine creating dynamic, interactive web applications with minimal JavaScript.

That’s the revolutionary promise of htmx, a technology that redefines frontend development.

This book is your gateway to mastering htmx alongside Java, Spring Boot, and Thymeleaf, transforming the way you build web interfaces.

This book starts with the basic steps of using htmx, starting from the basic techniques of DOM element swapping through various triggers.

It progressively delves into more complex topics, such as responding to htmx requests in the Spring Boot controller and implementing comprehensive UI patterns like lazy loading, active search, and endless scrolling.

Further, the book dives into the integration of web components and JavaScript frameworks with htmx to amplify client-side interactivity.

What people are saying Carson Gross

Senior Software Engineer, Creator of htmx

I could not be more excited about Wim’s book, Modern frontends with htmx.

It gives Java developers the tools to work effectively with htmx as a front end library, with an in-depth treatment of all of the major features of htmx and, more importantly, practical examples of how they can be used in conjunction with Spring and Thymeleaf.

Htmx can be a very effective way to build modern web applications, but it is useless without similarly effective server-side tools.

In this book Wim shows you not only how to use htmx, but how to use htmx effectively with Spring and Thymeleaf. This “completes the circle” of modern web development with htmx and Java, and unlocks the promise of dynamic and modern web applications that don’t break the complexity bank for Java developers.

Thank you Wim!