hyperscript 0.8.0 (2021-06-13)

Hyperscript now has local, global and element-scoped variables

Hyperscript now has local, global and element-scoped variables.

By default, variables are in the local scope, which means they disappear when the current handler or function finishes.

Now, you can use the global scope to set variables that last as long as the current thread (these are set on window in the main thread, and self in workers).

In addition, you can set element scoped variables that persist as long as the element does. These can be used to persist information across events. If you set element variables within a behavior, those will be usable only from within that behavior and won’t clash with anything.

For more details, see Variables and scope .

You can now load external hyperscript files !

You can now load external hyperscript files!

<script type="text/hyperscript" src="draggable._hs"></script>